Remote ‘Virtual Visits’: Compliance Via Social Distancing

New Browser Features Live

In response to what is happening, we sat down as a team urgently and considered what we can bring to the table quickly, in order letting agents, BtR providers and property managers can continue delivering great service to tenants/residents and landlords. The status quo in terms of advice has been to cancel management visits altogether, which of course was wise in the very short-term.

However, the current pandemic is clearly not going away soon, so our option of remote ‘Virtual Visits’ will allow tenancy compliance standards to be maintained, documented and communicated remotely. This can happen by way of an initial phone call, followed by triggering our templated report electronically with an audit-trailed responsive webpage between all parties with photo upload tools. As a further measure, we’ve also doubled our free trial period from 30 to 60 days (limited period only). We just want to show some love back to the industry during unprecedented times.

The headline benefits of performing management visits/inspections remotely are as follows:

  • Enforce social distancing during coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
  • Identify maintenance issues with remote tenant photo upload and audit-trailed e-siganture (EU legally binding compliant).
  • Maintain, document and communicate tenancy compliance standards are being delivered.
  • Tenants still feel interest is being taken in their occupation with any problems reported electronically.
  • Landlords given some security about the state of their property via automated PDF report sharing tools.
  • Landlords can be more prepared for any works that need carrying out, or make contingencies for the future.
  • Prevents back-log of Management Visits building-up during social distancing period.

Sample ‘Virtual Visit’ Report

Webinar Registration (25th, 26th & 27th March)

We’re putting-on free webinars twice a day on 25th, 26th and 27th March at both 9.30am or 3pm.

These events have been designed for both existing users and those that are new to Inventory Hive.

View Webinar Dates & Register

Claim Your Free ‘Virtual Visits’ Templates

In order to start using our ‘Virtual Visits’ templates you’ll need to request our support team uploads them into your account. To do this, simply visit Support when logged into your account and choose ‘Submit a request’ (top right corner).

Once we receive your ticket, someone from the team will be in-touch to ensure you have everything you need to get started.

Please Note: Templates are only available to commercial users managing 50 properties or more, so we can’t upload them to those on non-commercial plans, but we can provide all the info to use these tools on an individual basis – so no user misses out on this new functionality.

‘Mass Creation’ Add-On – 60 Days Free!

We know the current situation is going to cause chaos for many. We know that letting agents, BtR providers and property managers are already experiencing back-logs, lack of resources and staff shortages. So, for our customers that don’t already have our ‘Mass Creation’ add-on that allows multiple reports to be created in one-go – we’re allocating access to them for a minimum of 60 days – absolutely free!

As with the aforementioned free template claiming – simply visit Support when logged into your account and choose ‘Submit a request’ (top right corner) to request these features are added.

Stay Safe – Keep Renting Flowing…

Irrespective of the current pandemic at Inventory Hive we have always advocated ‘Remote paperless check-ins and check-outs’. This has seen our platform grow in popularity due to the efficiencies of our automated audit-trails.  For instance, it’s a much less time consuming to capture the tenants ‘confirm receipt’ signature remotely via e-signature and then allow them a window to interact with their report from a web browser after they’ve moved—in. It puts less pressure on the tenant whilst the removal van is waiting outside – let’s face-it, tenants will sign anything at that point.

In turn, you’re more likely to get their comments and photo feedback, because they’ve had time to consider the content. This leads to less disputes at check-out and is far more tenant-centric. Of course, it also helps to create social distancing, as there really is no need for personal contact during this process – reducing risk in the current crisis.

The same rule of thumb applies with check-outs, issues can be identified and then the report content shared remotely for discussion with the tenant/landlord. When a consensus has been reached, our users can trigger our dedicated ‘check-out’ paperless process which audit-trails all ‘before’ and ‘after’ descriptions and comments by all parties in one document. This massively reduces the time spent performing attended check-outs – whilst also being fair and avoiding personal contact.

Finally, here are some quick-tips for consideration in terms of reducing exposure and risk in this testing time:

  • Avoid performing attending check-ins and check-outs – instead opt for remote interaction as outlined above. This will help promote social distancing, whilst providing fair, audit-trailed communication for all parties.
  • Wear rubber/latex gloves before entering properties and avoid touching your face. Remove them after leaving the property and sanitise your smartphone/tablet device.
  • Ensure any property you’re due to visit have been deep cleaned/sanitised before you agree to enter.
  • Ventilate rooms/spaces by opening windows when you enter the property.
  • Minimise the time spent inside a property by focusing upon taking ‘General Overview’ and specific condition/cleanliness issues – then leave to type-up the details remotely. Our users adopting the Ricoh 360 degree camera integration will know this is a key benefit of that functionality – as it allows you to navigate the room remotely.

Business As Unusual

Let’s face-it there’s nothing ‘usual’ about our current daily lives. We’re all faced with challenging times ahead. On behalf of everyone at the Inventory Hive family we hope that you, your team and family stay safe and well!

In the meantime, we will continue to support our users in the best way possible to ensure we keep renting flowing #keeprentingflowing as we know our livelihoods are at the heart of our lifestyles.