New Dashboard Live & Tenant SMS Alert Update

Our team has been busier than bees at a flower show since we launched last year! This has lead to our innovative property inventory software releasing over 20 updates. As a result of this hard work, our dashboard has become somewhat neglected. That is until now of course!

Report Statistics At Your Fingertips

You can now view your report statuses at a glance via our donut traffic light system (dashboard available to Worker 50 price plans upwards).

^ Clicking a donut will automatically filter out the report status you have chosen – allowing you to get straight to work! For example, reports that are ‘Tenant Disapproved’ will require your attention and will be represented by a ‘Red’ donut. Simply click the donut and go straight to the reports in question.  Alternatively, just view the stats for your monitoring pleasure.

^ Here’s screenshot of what happens when the ‘Pending Submission’ donut is chosen – you’ll see it automatically filters these report types over the last month in the ‘Properties’ section.  We’ve also updated this ‘Sort/Filter’ tool, so you can now add a date range to reports over a specific period.

Recent Activity, News & Support Ticket Feed

^ Recently actioned reports/properties can now be accessed at the click of a button, along with our recent news articles and guides. Our helpful support library and ticketing system is also featured within the new dashboard. For example, if you have an outstanding support ticket, we’ll show you a live feed on progress!

Tenant SMS Alerts Updated

^ Improvements have been made to the ‘Report Notifications to Tenants’ screen.  As well as improving the layout, you can now choose to send tenants SMS alerts alongside our system emails.  Of course, this helps ensure tenants are well informed about the process throughout.

Branding Add-On Up Next

Now that our dashboard has been given a functional facelift, we’re turning our attention to a ground-breaking branding add-on. Perfect for property inventory companies and their clerks.  Watch this space…