New innovative features in v1.8

You saw it here first!

One small step for bees, a giant leap for inventories!  At Inventory Hive our awesome team is dedicated to creating property inventory software with innovative features that actually make a difference to costs, efficiency and more importantly – results.

That’s why our newly updated v1.8 further stakes our claim as the best property inventory app on the market.  For example, users can now respond to tenant/occupant feedback within a fully audit-trailed and automated cycle.  It’s another innovative move for creating fair, mutually agreed reports that reduce disputes and encourage better (less stressful) tenant relationships.  Most excitingly, there’s lots more to come this year…watch this space!

Here’s a round-up of the new features with some sneak-preview screenshots….

Supercharged InventorySign®

Respond to tenant/occupant feedback within fully audit trailed cycle.

More Powerful Offline Features

Delete rooms, items and pictures created online when in offline mode.

Maintenance & Charges Flagging

Flag cleaning, repair, replacement and missing items.  Identify responsibility and raise charges accordingly.

Easy ‘Report Settings’ Access

Add exterior pictures, switch property and tenancy types from the overview screen (offline or online).

Convenient ‘Receipt’ Capturing

Capture tenant/occupant signatures in person after the email has been sent (via device or desktop).

Helpful Tooltips

Step-by-step explanations of report statuses in real time.


Better Filtering

Identify and locate reports across different branches/portfolios with ease.

Email Notification Preferences

Declutter your inbox by toggling on/off system email alerts on a per notification basis (under Settings > Notifications).

Respond To Feedback From Dashboard

Ideal is ‘Email Suppressing’ is chosen in favour of ‘Better Filtering’ as a daily routine.

Photo Tips to Avoid Disputes Blog